...the road less traveled...

Here are some sizeable pictures I thought you'd enjoy chuckling over...
This man named George is very, very, very tall. So tall I had to take a picture. He's not even standing up straight (but notice how I am most definitely am...) Anyway, huzzah for being short...
I promised Hanneke I'd put that similie as my blog title just for her, not because I'm feeling particularly parched, but because it was one of the lines from an especially cheesy mix of songs we listened to ad nauseum on Sunday afternoon. Ah...the memories.
This is Lucy, Hanneke, and Sean-The-IMATT-guy at dinner on Saturday night.
Raymond is on the left (no, he hasn't got something wrong with his face, I think he was just trying to blow a kiss to the camera. Ha! See what happens when you don't hold still when I tell you to??) and Elias is on the right. Luci and Elias were married in Lebanon this past summer.
This is the rag-tag group that saw Hanneke off on Monday night. It wasn't too bad of a wait, considering we had to pause to let Prince Charles dominate Sierra Leonean airspace for half an hour at 6pm...
These are the women I live(d) with.... Janet on the left, Hanneke at the top and Heleen on the right.
Good-bye Hanneke, we're missing you already.
PS: How do I get to Bintumani? (just kidding...sort of...)
This guy on stilts nearly took my eye out when he fell in front of us. We were sitting in the front row - maybe not such a good idea next time...seriously though, WHOA! The athleticism is impressive.
This is a traditional Sierra Leonean 'devil.' Lots of raffia and shaking. This devil had a bit of an attitude.
There was also dancing by everyone later in the evening. Below are Kate (a Brit) and Justin (fellow teacher) dancing it up. Good times....
Talking about dancing....
This weekend I was invited to a party thrown by a man named Kevin who works at the British High Commission (gotta love those Brits...) It was a complete blast! His apartment complex is gorgeous - incidentally, it is built by the same man who I told you about in a previous blog (September 18th) so yes, very decadent. There was a pool and much swimming took place, as did much dancing. Definitely my kind of night. Needless to say now, however, I'm pooped!
Sunday was Hanneke's last day with us (*sniff*) and we went to River No. 2 for the day. We spent the afternoon swimming (yes, more swimming. It is a good thing I love swimming! Thanks for forcing me to take those lessons when I was young, Mum and Dad...although, I'm still bitter about the lack of gymnastics lessons...but that's another story). We stayed a Nassip's place at River No. 2 and had lunch there (yes, more Barracuda). All in all, a wonderful way to spend a Sunday.
Today, Hanneke leaves. After class I'm hoping to make it to the helipad to see her off. I'm sure it will be quite emotional. I'm working on bringing back the "Ice Queen" of old so I'm hoping I can hold it all together...Oh, I made a new friend over the weekend as well (big weekend, I tell ya!). Her name is Meghan and she's from Georgia (seems to be the popular US State to be from here in Salone) and works for Peace Child. We clicked right from the start, we're very similar (so, think funny, charming, attractive, outgoing, and modest) and have made plans for next weekend. Now if only I could get this week of work out of the way....
In other news....Prince Charles blesses Sierra Leone with his presence today (Monday). There's a big to-do at the golf club (yeah, that's right, apparently you can play golf in a former war-zone. But why?) The city has been trying to clean itself up (operative word being 'trying') and have done a bit of garbage removal and painting...Thanks, Chuck.
I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about the fact that living as an ex-patriot can mean living in a not-so-giant fish bowl where everyone one is aware of what you're doing, who you're doing it with, and why. For those of you who have never experienced this phenomenon, I can most closely compare it to the experience of spending of spending a summer at a residential camp. Everyone always knows everyone else's business, and everyone has an opinion about it. I try, as much as I can, to avoid the fishbowl-phenomenon. Sometimes it's a bit tricky. It's nice to spend time with people who understand your sense of humour, who won't ask you for your phone number after they say hello, or ask you to marry them after they find out your name. At the same time, the ex-pat community is very small and can be stifling. How to balance these two worlds is a challenge.
I think it's important to try to engage as much as possible with the Sierra Leonean community, hence why I value my Sierra Leonean friends, and why I wish to learn Krio. Living in a fish bowl is just one of the realities of working overseas. There's no way to completely escape it, but there are ways to learn how to work within it and make it work for you. At least, that's what I hope. I like to think that I live in a number of different fish bowls. I'm the fish that's always moved around from bowl to bowl...maybe I'm in one bowl because they're cleaning another, maybe I don't get along with the fishes in the other bowl, maybe I have a contagious fungus...don't you hate it when analogies go just a bit too far? Anyway, I hope to try to spend time in as many different fish bowls as I can while I'm here. I think that's part of the experience, and I intend to make the best of it.
All I know for certain is that swimming in other bowls can get pretty complicated.
Well, the weekend flew by in a blur of activity - Friday night was a b-day dinner for my fellow teacher Justin and then we went out dancing. Very fun. Hilarity ensued. Sadly, no pictures.
Of course, if the Portuguese had never 'discovered' Sierra Leone, perhaps I wouldn't be there today...history is such an interesting thing.
We travelled by speedboat (unquestionably more favourable that travel by land) to Tolkeh and its neighbouring island sanctuaries. I sat in a salt water pool for a couple of hours, alternately lathering myself in sunscreen and drinking pineapple juice. It was quite decadent. At lunch we at lobster, barracuda, and snapper (oh my!). Here's a picture of our lunch before it ended up in our stomachs.
Sometimes it feels like I've stepped back in time when I look at the remnants of colonial architecture that pervades the modernity of Freetown. If I close my eyes, or if I stare very hard into the overgrowth, I can almost picture what once was, what could have been, and the lives of those who, in times gone by, stood where I stand.
We drove home at sunset. Across the ocean, towards the horizon, and into the setting sun. Sometimes, I can't believe this is my life. It's too beautiful.
Last Saturday I went to the "Big Market" to buy some "garra" (batik and tie-dye) cloth so that I could have some clothes made by a tailor here. I though y'all would like to see the sketches I made. Ok, maybe I'm just really proud of the sketches and am seeking laud and admiration. Whichever. Anyhow, the sketches are below. I have to go to the tailor on Saturday for a fitting to see what still needs to be altered. I'm planning on taking some photos of the actual clothing when I get it. I'm hoping it somewhat resembles what I asked for...it's always a gamble.
Now, this outfit is tricky...it's a whole dress ensemble, but uses four very different prints that exist on a very complext batik print. If it turns out I'm hoping it will look pretty sweet!
Finally, I'm also excited about this green tunic-shirt. I've asked the tailor to "plant" it around the neckline, sleeves and bottom hem. "Planting" is that great embroidery you see on peasant-shirts and the like. Sometimes it can be really good, sometimes it can be disasterously awful. I'm hoping for the former. (Toes also crossed on this one).
And the answer is yes, I do plan to always stand with my hip sticking out. I do a good enough job of it already.
So my friend Brittany-Ann put list of attributes for all of the months of the year on her blog (www.xanga.com/brigody) and I thought that what they said about MAY was fairly accurate.
Ok, first we will start with the downright scary....oooooo.....a graveyard on All Hallow's Eve...frightening! This was the Halloween wall my grade 4/5s created (with some help) on Tuesday last week
This lovely creature is none other than Beatrice-the-Queen - our little cat who is apt to eating her litters. She's just hanging out in this picture...it's Sunday. Apparently that's the day she likes to laze about in the charcoal bag. Good on ya' Bea...MEOW!These are two kids who live in some shacks outside our compound. The boy on the right is named Ishmaili and he is just as cute as a button (if buttons were cute). He always sprints up the road to meet me whenever he sees me coming home from school. Kadi is the name of the girl on the right. She's a bit of a cheeky monkey...and so I doubly appreciate her!
Yesterday afternoon, a woman I don't know told me "yu fat-o!" as I passed by her on the street. I mean, really. I have been a lot of things in my life, but fat has never been one of them. I was the girl who was asked if she was anorexic in high school for goodness sake! Oh, and this is not the first time I've heard this either. About three weeks ago a group of women who work at a stand I walk by on my way to and from school called out "yu look fat!" as I was on my way home. *sigh* Apparently, it's supposed to be a compliment. If you're fat it means you're wealthy enough to afford plenty of food...and I can afford food...so I guess I'm fat.