...A Saturday at Tolkeh Beach...

Sierra Leone is naturally breathtaking. This weekend I had the opportunity to go to visit Tolkeh Beach and some of the small islands around Sierra Leone. The country is breathtaking and it makes me mourn for what could be here. If only there were infrastructure, if only there was no conflict, if only...where to even begin?
This quote from The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver helps to articulate some of my thoughts. I took this picture on Saturday, as we were preparing the boat to take off on our trip.
Of course, if the Portuguese had never 'discovered' Sierra Leone, perhaps I wouldn't be there today...history is such an interesting thing.
We travelled by speedboat (unquestionably more favourable that travel by land) to Tolkeh and its neighbouring island sanctuaries. I sat in a salt water pool for a couple of hours, alternately lathering myself in sunscreen and drinking pineapple juice. It was quite decadent. At lunch we at lobster, barracuda, and snapper (oh my!). Here's a picture of our lunch before it ended up in our stomachs.
Sometimes it feels like I've stepped back in time when I look at the remnants of colonial architecture that pervades the modernity of Freetown. If I close my eyes, or if I stare very hard into the overgrowth, I can almost picture what once was, what could have been, and the lives of those who, in times gone by, stood where I stand.
We drove home at sunset. Across the ocean, towards the horizon, and into the setting sun. Sometimes, I can't believe this is my life. It's too beautiful.
Your pics are really beautiful, and I enjoy reading ure blogs cos they remind me of my home. As a Sierra Leonean, its nice to hear positive feedback from foureigners about the country especially as the image of Saleone is that of a dillapidated war torn country. Keep up the good work
Have you ever noticed that when there is only one comment left about a certain post darned grammatically challenged Blogspot lists it as 1 comments. Well, I just can't stand by and let such a travesty continue. So if you ever see a post with only 1 comments be sure to write something, not just for the blogger's sake, but for the sanctity of the adjective noun relationship.
Also, your pictures are really nice!
Hey Cameron. Who is gramatically challenged the blogger or the comment?
I would never accuse Emily Harrison of anything so henious as grammatical challengedness. I was refering to the host-site BLOGSPOT itself.
You people are nuts. And I like it! (glad to hear you would never accuse me of the henious crime of grammatical-challengedness, Cam) You know how I appreciate a positive adjective/noun relationship.
Who's anonymous?
Am just surfing the net and looking for ideas for when I go back to Freetown on holiday. I would love to go on a boat trip like the one you did. Last time I was in Freetown I went to Francos at Sussex. It's beautiful and I reccomend it. What cool things can you reccomend that you have done?
Yes, I've heard Franco's is beautiful as well. I most definitely would recommend getting on a boat and traveling to Tolkeh though...also River No. 2 or Lakka, but I'm sure you know about these. I'm not sure what other "cool" things there are to do as I'm still pretty new here and discovering it all as I go. There are some nice places to go for dinner - Alex's, Chinatown, Mamba Point, Indo-Chin, and then a few popular spots for dancing and ddrinks- Lagunda, Paddy's, Atlantic, Posh...Good luck and enjoy your holiday!
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