Monday, October 16, 2006

...ooooh...that doesn't feel so good...

I feel like I'm walking through a cloud of fog. I started feeling a bit off around noon today. Now all of my muscles are achy. I'm not sure why. I figure it's one of two options, either I'm in pain from carrying my extremely full knapsack of textbooks and a bonus plastic bag full of dried beans (We're making faux Roman mosaics in social studies)up the insanely steep hill by my house, or I'm dying of malaria. Being the dramatist that I am, let's go with option 'b'...

Kidding, people. Kidding. I think I just need a good night's sleep...and some more water. I'm parched!

Another not-so-good feeling from today: I saw a woman with a black eye and I asked her what happened. She told me she fell down. Hmmmm...right. That explanation doesn't sit well. Because as clumsy as I am (and trust me, I have the bruises to prove it!) I've never fallen down and given myself a black eye. That takes a special kind of talent...or fist. Boo.

Held our first student council meeting of the year today at lunch break. I'd really like to put together a year book this year - I can take lots of photos with my nifty digital camera. The kids seemed to like the idea. Also among the top ideas for the school year was a lobby in support of reducing homework and increasing gym periods.

Dream on, kiddies....dream on.


At 1:06 PM, Blogger Cameron said...

What a great apportunity. It's like you can rouse the youngsters to revolutionary aspirations and then crush it with an iron fist of teacherness...efficient!

At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahhaha...thats funny that you havent got a black eye...but we all know Sarah sure has!

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Emily said...

...sorry...anonymous, who posted this? I'm not sure it's as "funny" that I haven't got a black as as...impossible.

Which Sarah are you refering to? I know a few...


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