FINALLY!! This is my friend Adama. She and her family have adopted me (at least for Sunday afternoons) while I'm in Salone. I took this photo on the porch or her very high apartment building.

This is what I like to call my "reading corner." I do a lot of my lesson planning here on the weekends and when I get home from school. There's more light than in my bedroom because of the plethora of windows. (isn't plethora a great word?)

For those of you who have lived with me, you'll find that this picture feels oddly familiar. I like to try to create my own space and a "me" kind of feeling - even in a foreign country!

This is my bed...above are some pictures from home. I have more over my desk. I have taken a photo of that, but somehow it didn't make it onto this disk. A photo for another time. You can see if you made it on to my wall of fame!!
aha! I see a guitar!! I like it
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