...And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain...
I promised Hanneke I'd put that similie as my blog title just for her, not because I'm feeling particularly parched, but because it was one of the lines from an especially cheesy mix of songs we listened to ad nauseum on Sunday afternoon. Ah...the memories.
On Monday Hanneke took off to her homeland of the Netherlands. No, not Never-Neverland. Not the Nether-regions. The Netherlands - Holland, specifically, but she used to glare at me when I said that. I don't know why.
Here are some photos from our farewell dinner and from our good-byes at the Helipad here in Freetown.

This is Lucy, Hanneke, and Sean-The-IMATT-guy at dinner on Saturday night.
Raymond is on the left (no, he hasn't got something wrong with his face, I think he was just trying to blow a kiss to the camera. Ha! See what happens when you don't hold still when I tell you to??) and Elias is on the right. Luci and Elias were married in Lebanon this past summer.
This is the rag-tag group that saw Hanneke off on Monday night. It wasn't too bad of a wait, considering we had to pause to let Prince Charles dominate Sierra Leonean airspace for half an hour at 6pm...
These are the women I live(d) with.... Janet on the left, Hanneke at the top and Heleen on the right.
Good-bye Hanneke, we're missing you already.
PS: How do I get to Bintumani? (just kidding...sort of...)
Looks like a great bunch of friends you've connected with there (and good friends who will listen to bad dance music are hard to find). Is that by any chance one of your famous self-designed shirts?
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