...Wow, it's Wednesday? Where has the week gone...
The last few days have passed in a flurry of activity and frustration. I have been busy with teacher training days at the school, trying to figure out a new curriculum and too much new subject content to learn! Somewhere in there I found time to attend a bible study for ex-pats in Freetown. It was held at the house that I'll be moving into 'sometime' this week (I was supposed to move tonight, but there seems to be some issue with a broken car key and lack of a vehicle...) and I quite enjoyed myself! It was a great time to meet some new people (about 17 new faces) and network among ex-pats. So far, I was able to get myself invited to dinner on Friday and hear about some plans for Saturday night. Looks like I'm going to have a social life of some sort here as well! (granted I can find the time...)
I meant to post some photos today, except I left the disk at home somewhere, or maybe even at the new apartment. This state of limbo is somewhat unsettling for me, and I just wish I could hunker down in a place and call it my own. I tend to get very disorganized when I don't have a good home base and that's just disasterous for a new teacher!!
Yesterday my greatest adventure (among many, but I just don't have time to tell them all) was taking a taxi (or taxis, rather) to the wrong side of town all by myself. There's no official transport system here, just taxis (cars) and poda podas (vans) that you can flag down on the side of the street to get you from point 'a' to point 'b'. The catch is that you need to know the name of point 'b', something I'm struggling with at the moment, since nothing really has any road signs and even if they do, they're either ignored or outdated....so anyway...I was trying to flag down a taxi in the rain...with no umbrella...standing beside a huge burly army officer and another man. Eventually the man offerend me the use of his umbrella (nice enough, I suppose) and then told me he'd help me to get a cab (....*sigh* fine. Clearly I was doing a dismal job on my own). Hence why I ended up on the wrong side of town....however, do not dispair. The man was actually quite above board - he's a pastor at a church in Wilberforce and didn't seem to want anything at all from me other than to give me his business card. Fair enough. I told him I was a Christian and that I was still look for a church to attend, he wasn't over pushy, but I'm sure he would have loved me to go to his! He put me in a the right cab to get to Tengbeh Town which is where I currently live. I got there...a little wet, but no worse for wear. I think maybe he was an angel. Could be. Who knows? However, I made sure to figure out the names of all of the taxi junctions I need at the moment when I had a chance to last night...just to make sure I'm not in need of another angel anytime soon....
Don't freak out. I'm fine.