Monday, March 19, 2007

...string and sealing wax, and other fancy stuff...

I travelled the bumpy roads to River No. 2 yesterday. I built a sand dragon (with some help from Charbel, Man Man, and Zack), because I've been told, as adults we should strive to maintain our child-like connection to fantasy. Moments after taking this picture, pandemonium broke out and the kids "mashed" up the monster. It was fun while it lasted!

After a not so fantastic start, the rest of last week worked out just fine. Sorry for the

downer of an entry, but sometimes, that happens. So far, this week has been great! In fact, one of my students brought me in a copy of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" which, with my slack pop-culture awareness, I missed out on watching whenever it was that it came out (last summer?) and I'm looking forward to watching it tonight, if I have time/light/enough battery on my laptop. I have another hair-cutting adventure this afternoon...lucky for Heleen she hasn't told me my butt looks big in the last few days (actually she's never told me that) so she need not fear I'll exact revenge with my scissors.

Two more weeks until 'spring' break...but who's counting?

The kitten has opened it's eyes! It's a brave new world....notice how it's head it supported by a plush and beautiful looking fuzzy caterpillar...a CAT-ER-PILLOW....*sigh* Yeah....I made it.


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

glad to hear that things are better and to see that you are keeping both your artistic and your domestic skills keen! Keep up the exceptional work - maybe someday you can make me a dress! (I guess if people were to read this without context it would seem weird... m'eh.)
God Bless,

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Jonathan: A dress, I'd love to! In fact I could even buy you some lovely 'lapa' dyed cloth here....


In totally unrelated aside: I fixed the error. Did anyone else notice?

At 11:41 AM, Blogger T said...

uh...Em...'Curse of the Black Pearl' came out in 2003...not sure how you missed watching that one. The second one 'Dead Man's Chest' came out last year...and 'At World's End' will come out in May of this year...get with it!

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could have sworn it said ceiling wax! ;)


At 7:23 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Yeah, Titus, I know. I realised that when I got home...I watched the Black Pearl one and tried to watch the other one..."Dead Man's Chest" on Monday but couldn't get it to work. Stupid pirated movies! I still need to see it and will have to see the third one when I get home.

Rui: What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about ;)...I picked up on the subtle correction, mainly because that's how I correct other people's mistakes as well.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger T said...

pirated movies!! HAHAHAHA


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