Last night was a full lunar eclipse. I tried to take a photo of it, but the camera had run out of batteries. This is a picture of the full moon a month ago, it will have to suffice. Sometimes, the moon is so bright that I don't even need a flashlight when I'm out at night. Since there are very few working streetlights here, it's helpful.

These are my kids! I took this picture on Valentine's Day. Look how festive they are! Notice how the two girls are spreading the love by trying to strangle each other. The boy in the middle in the South Park t-shirt is the one who made "Snowball-the-Warm-Fuzzy" from a few entries back. The tall guy at the back is 14 years old and 6'3". Uh huh. Don't worry, he cowers under my intimidating presence. I'm so proud of all of them. They're really a great bunch of students. One is missing - he had to go back to Europe because his father was in a bad car accident. We're all hoping he makes it back soon; he's quite the charmer and a bit of a class clown.

"Miss Emily, do you go out every day?"
"Not every day, but quite a few days."
"Well....I'm tired of it!"
They make me laugh. I'm going to miss them when they leave.

I like to call this picture "Where Cars Go To Die." No, it's not a scrapyard, it's the side of the road before the Aberdeen Bridge. It's a little disconcerting, I'll grant you that. You have to be thankful that you weren't one of the people in any of those cars.

Elections are coming up at the end of July. The election campaigning and advertising has begun! Sierra Leoneans are being registered to vote beginning now until...I think the middle of May or June. There are some great posters and billboards. I will take some photos and post them soon.

These are some fishermen pulling in their giant nets after a morning of fishing. The chant songs as the pull in the lines, not exactly "heave-ho," they have much too much rhythm for that. It's a pretty powerful sight. Literally, it's full of power.
Ther are four more weeks until Spring break. The time has been flying by. I'm hoping I can go up country over spring break. I haven't been yet, and I'm told it's beautiful. I'm going to post this now, because I'm worried that the electricity might go off again - it's been going on and off all day. Light has been better as of late. We joke that it's because we've had house guests. Electricity always seems to be better when we have people staying with us.
It's a pretty good trade off.
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so here's a random use of the internet...
Google just flagged up your blog cos I searched for Scan Drive which it appears I'm going to be living on for two months from the 19th March.
I figured it would be less weird to say hello like this rather than, if we happened to meet, suddenly mention that I'd previously seen your blog on the net. :)
Of course you might just have mentioned that address for another reason. :)
hahaha....oh right! Yes, we talked about you the other day. You're the guy coming from the UK. Got it. I was confused for a moment because I have an acquaintance back home named Mark Weller...anyhoo...hope you're doing alright with all the travel planning. If you have an questions, email me. Also: I already experienced the "I saw you on the internet" phenomenon around Christmas time when some random girl on Scan Drive. She was visiting from England. Bizarre.
Looking forward to meeting you in person.
infamous already!
Heleen and Janet are being incredibly helpful, in stark contrast to the red cross!
I did discover today about the lack of ATMs which has thrown my planning in terms of money into disarray somewhat...
my email address is wellers@gmail.com, I couldn't find yours anywhere so I'll have to leave you a comment again!
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