Thursday, February 01, 2007

...You know you're in Freetown when...

  • you cheer when the lights come on at night and run around the house shouting "layt don kam! layte don kam!"
  • you can pick 4 or more weevils out of your breakfast cereal in the morning
  • you get excited about getting a kerosene fridge because you can eat leftovers and dairy products again
  • you aren't perterbed when cockroaches, lizards, or spiders are hanging out in your bathroom (or bedroom)
  • you get called "baby" or "white man" at least once a day
  • you sweat while standing still
  • you boil water in the mornings in order to have a warm 'shower' - you actually use a bucket.
  • you complain about having to pay Le 1,000 for a taxi ride (aprox. 34 cents)
  • you feel fat even though you've never weighed less in your entire adult life...
  • a taxi driver overtakes you, only to abruptly stop in front of you. This is normal.
  • the post office stores letters rather than delivering them
  • you no longer drink real fact, you are starting to think Nescafe IS real coffee
  • you call everyone older then you Uncle or Aunt (if you're feeling really respectful, Ma or Pa)
  • every soft drink is Coca Cola or Fanta and you've forgotten they make anything else
  • no running water for a week is just another ordinary thing
  • four cars are driving parallel to each other on a one-lane road
  • being an hour late equals being “on time” or better yet: you plan a dinner gathering for 7pm and everyone shows up at 9pm
  • cramming 7 passangers into a 4 passenger taxi is really not a big deal
  • football is played with some sort of ROUND ball and WITHOUT hands. Weird.
  • carry Purell like it’s your life supply
  • you spend countless hours washing your feet when you know very well that by the time you get to the top of the hill, they’ll be covered in unbelievable dirt!
  • you can't imagine paying more than $10 USD for a whole lobster
  • you know Harmattan season has ended because you no longer need to use moisturizer
  • going to the beach is as ordinary as going to the grocery store
  • you a realise that the beach could actually BE the grocery store

....oh, there are more but that's all I've got for now...


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello emily, i was just looking around and found your blog. very interesting. I am from Salone and was there two years ago, all the blackouts, dusty roads, taxi drivers, and the time keeper reminded me how much i missed salone. these are things that make you realize you are far from the western world so no need to haste of complain just relax and enjoy all the freedom. C-ya

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Emily said...

hey anonymous,

I'm not really complaining, I'm just viewing all of the things that make me and others a little bit frustrated through a filter of humour. That way, we can all smile at the things that can irk us!

At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost got you there! well i just wanted to pick you thoughts a bit, as i said your blog is interesting and the things you come up with make us over here say yeah man dem, nah salone dan deh, with a sigh of relief. so keep posting, and thanks for you the way how is you tan?

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Poda Poda King said...

Reading this blog brings it all back! I was last in Freetown in July 06 staying in Dan Street off Kissy Road. This Blog brings it all back, the noise, the smells, traffic, and the incessant chatter of drivers! Old school, Paddy's, Binta’s Bar, Atlantic Bar, Coco cabana, chez nous, Posh and Boad 'ouse! I must go back as soon as possible! Cool Blog!


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