A lot has been going on since I last wrote (well, at least I think so). Here's the low-down:
The Refugees From Guinea
Two of the families and the one single woman who arrived have now flown back home to the States. We still have one family with two kids living with us. Here's a picture. Go figure that the kids at my house are the ones with the most personality. It's like karma or something.
Remember I told you that I cut Allison's hair? Well, apparently she didn't feel it needed any fixing and she made me this card. (awwww...) It was nice of her to draw me taller than herself. Last night she told me that I was just a little bit taller than her 12 year old sister (as if I didn't already know that). I also like how she almost made me married, but then thought better of it. Too bad she didn't catch the "your/you're" difference. That would have really made my day (no, you know I'm not joking).

I also received this card as a bonus as well, apparently for not wanting to play with the children. If only I got cards every time I said I didn't want to do something.

Curriculum Mapping and Development Workshop
For the last two days, I and all the other teachers at AISF have been participating in a professional development workshop designed to help us 'map' our curriculum plans for the year. I will admit that I was dreading the workshop, but was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It did not feel like I repeat of teacher's college and the pointless exercises that went on there, but rather it was something that was relevant and applicable. Of course, the whole experience was made that much sweeter by the fact that we received bonus handbags made out of traditional Kenyan Kikoy material, an unending supply of Tootsie Rolls and peanuts, and a free pen (I just love free pens!) Our workshop leader, Wanda, was flown in from the southern United States and used phrases like "Oh, honey child" and "y'all" frequently which added to the sweetness of the experience. And the best part: because of all of our hard work, today we get to go home at 1pm! SWEET! (Do I say that a lot? I feel like I say that a lot).
Around Town

An example of the infamous "poda poda" a major means for public transportation here in Freetown. What makes these vans special (besides the fact that you can cram up to 20 people inside) are their varied visual aesthetics. This example is sporting the popular (and somewhat overdone) Madonna-love motif as well as the ever present American flag. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this vehicle is imported from the Netherlands and also that the Sierra Leone elections sticker is conveniently slapped on upside down for those riders who are traveling around town hanging upside down while suspended from the roof rack. "Best Paddy" means "best friend" in Krio. In Freetown, they love their cars.
And if you were wondering if there was a place I could go where everyone knows my name...don't worry, there is. Phew.
Why wouldn't you love Essentials Supermarket and Boutique? After all, it is small enough for large selection and big enough for personal care. Does anyone else see a problem with that?
I have a few other gems, but I wouldn't want to graphically over-saturate you.
Until next time...
Sounds like you're having an amazing time and learning a lot. Now that I have your blog address (or whatever you call that thing) I will check up on you more often - you are an AMAZING writer. SO sorry it's taken me so long.
Christine (MIchaels, in case you forgot me..... :P)
Hey crazy lady!
I LOVE hearing all your stories! Keep on posting!
Can't believe how much I miss having you around in Peterborough! I can't wait to see you in August. I'll be in a new apartment with lots of space for you!
So I got new digs in TO - as of may 1'st i'll be a downtown girl so definitly come back and visit me often.
I hear ya on PD. We've had 2 PD days this term which have actually been so good - maybe queens should take a note - or maybe things just seem more helpful when you actually have a class to use them with.
I had my eligible to hire interview on tuesday for TDSB so cross your fingers for me and maybe by the time i next see you i'll be a real teacher - with benefits. Until then my teeth are rocking the dirty non-dentist look (seriously who can afford dental care?)
Miss you - looks like your adventure is continuing to be amazing.
Love Jen
I love the essentials sign... there's nothing quite so fun as too much information. Life is good here .. i can't wait to see you in August - I'll definatley still be around. Dave is teaching "Wars and Revolutions in 20th Century Africa" and yesterday, when he said he might cover Sierra Leone, that he might be able to have you in in some kind of Guest Lecturer capacity .. being that you've now got all this awesome first-hand experience.
And guess what - tommorow my first two chapters (intro and historiography) go "public" - I'm handing them off to people smarter than me for some tearing apart and critique (namely, Dave and maybe, maybe Phil.)
:) Keep Smiling! I miss you here!
Michelle: oooooo...how fun. I do love Guest Lecturing (once, I had a dream of becoming a guest lecturer and traveling around the world...but I don't think that's actually going to happen anymore) Perhaps this lecturing experience will renew my dream.
Very glad you'll be there in August. SO happy to have people I know still around. Definitely looking forward to see you too! (very, so, definitely)
Christine: No worries! Love that you found it and keep reading :) It's good to hear from you.
Jen: I'm there. So impressed with you and an apartment in TO. Is this the rumoured "real life" I have often heard people talking about? And dental benefits...bah! Highly overrated (please, the real reason I've been a student for so long is the extended benefits package...)
Thanks for commenting, everyone! Keep in touch.
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