...kittens, kittens, everywhere!...
Today was a day of big announcements. I opened up my email inbox and there was an email from my brother in law saying "You're an Aunt!" And then there was a "FW: Pictures of Joy" email from my dearest friend, Lindsay. Neither email was what it appeared to be.
No, my sister is not having any babies. My sister and bro-in-law got two kittens. I nearly had a heart attack from that subject heading! Don't do that again, that's not funny!
Stop laughing.
And the email from Lindsay wasn't an annoying forward but one with pictures (of joy!) of her and her FIANCE, Jon! Uh huh, that's right, Linds is getting hitched! Congratualtions to her and to Jon, who, eventually, I will one day meet. (Maybe. One day. If I can stay in one place for long enough.) ;)
Our cat, Queen Beatrix, had kittens early last week too! I finally got a peek at them over the weekend. She gave birth under our stairs, away from our puppy (who probably would have eaten them) although they're sleeping on garbage at the moment which I'm not too impressed with. I can't wait until they open their eyes and she'll bring them out and we can move them to the balcony! Maybe one will be a little "Tigger," what do you think? He'll have to have freckles though... (for those of you who don't know, I had two cats growing up: Tigger and Sarah. Tigger was a n orange stripped tabby and Sarah was a white half-persian. I tormented them, mainly by dressing them up in doll's clothes. )

Don't worry, I'm not having any babies either. Or getting hitched. Phew. I know, you were worried, right?
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