Tuesday, May 22, 2007

...no, not dead...

Just very, very busy. SO sorry for the lack of updates, but I haven't had time to be witting, take pictures, or put together a stream of coherent thoughts about my life at the moment.

Briefly, here's what's been going on:

* went to the beach, hung out with some mercenaries. (ok, they didn't say they were mercenaries, but one was Zimbabwean, one was British, and they were both beefy and tattooed. They now work in "private security." *cough* Mercenaries.)

* mourned the death of trivia on Wednesday nights, but have been enjoying playing keyboard in Bible Study instead. Gwen just moved in and plays guitar and we had a 'big band' play off on Sunday with 4 people!

* Have been developing a new health/sex ed. curriculum for the school and run the first of 4 afternoon workshops today. We're starting with Body Image and Self-Esteem, move on to Communication and Refusal Skills, followed by Puberty and Sexual Development and finished off with STIs and HIV/AIDS. My friend Aroun is helping out during the workshops and I'm looking forward to working with him.

* Ran the 30-Hour Famine last Friday and Saturday. Was utterly exhausted and barely able to speak by the end of it, but my kids sure had a good time! We played Sardines in the Dark, FlameBattlers (a 'wide game'), and the kids chose to watch "What A Girl Wants" before bed. I swear..their choice...there were 7 boys and 2 girls...yep. I thought it was hilarious.

* Turned 26. What a feat. Shockingly, I'm still alive. I imagine the headlines will be out later this week.

* Had typhoid, although that was highly anti-climactic. I puked a couple of times and then was hooked up to an IV drip for an afternoon. Apparently, I'm also anemic. Not a really big surprise though, considering my lack of consumption of red meats and the unavailability of spinach. I finished all the meds I was on last week sometime and have felt fine, just tired, since. Although I feel the tiredness is probably more closely related to my busy-ness than to my illness.

* Planning my trip to the UK when I leave Sierra Leone on August 3rd. Realising that the time is flying by now (well, some days) and that I only have 11 more weeks in Salone, 4 more weeks of school, and 3 weeks until Hanneke comes to visit! I can't wait!

That's all for now...will try to put up some interesting photos soon, although, at this rate, don't hold your breath. You're liable to pass out. I don't want to be responsible for that.

Miss you all and so looking forward to catching up when I get home.


At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know you haven't had time to be witting...should I dare correct the grammar queen?!? Perhaps witty? Or writing? hmmm. Love you anyways :) Tasha

At 5:30 AM, Blogger Emily said...

you're just lucky I posted.


And if you've noticed, lots of people have been correcting my grammar, thank you very much. You may join the select few if you so desire.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Zimbabwean... I think that's my new favourite word. Unfortunately, I don't foresee many opportunities to weave it into daily conversations. Maybe my students need to start a project on the countries of Africa. I think it might even be the same in French, although a French accent makes it sound funny.



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